
Staff are seeking to update rule language to allow possession of largemouth bass over applicable legal bag or length limits to facilitate submission to TrophyCatch or certification as a state record. Current statewide regulations for largemouth bass is a 5 fish bag limit and 1 may be over 16 inches. A relatively small number of waterbodies across the state (17 waterbodies) have regulations for largemouth bass, such as catch and release or a strict maximum length limit, which would prohibit the possession of large, largemouth bass. In order for an angler to certify a state record largemouth bass or submit a largemouth bass to the TrophyCatch Program, an angler may need to possess the fish to go through the respective processes. These rule changes will provide a clear pathway for anglers to submit a TrophyCatch largemouth bass or certification of a state record largemouth bass where regulations may prevent possession.