The proposed rule amendment clarifies guidelines and procedures by which employers subject to stop-work orders for having failed to comply with the coverage requirements of Chapter 440, F.S., and are no longer failing to secure the payment the of compensation within the meaning of Section 440.107, F.S., may satisfy the Department that they have come into compliance with Chapter 440, F.S. The amendment provides new language that outlines the terms and conditions under which an employer qualifies to enter into a new Payment Agreement Schedule For Periodic Payment of Penalty. The amendment deletes the requirement that subject employers file probationary periodic reports with the Department and amends Form DFS-F4-1601 (Monthly Payment Installment Invoice) to reflect this change. The proposed amendment also renumbers the rule to reflect the new language. The effect of the proposed rule amendment is to extend the payment agreement over a greater time horizon to those employers having demonstrated ongoing compliance with the terms and conditions of the Department’s periodic payment agreement and to streamline the rule’s administration.