To receive testimony and public comment and to take final action on proposed changes to the Fiscal Year 2013 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund priority list. Action will be taken under Chapter 62-552, F.A.C., to add new construction projects that submitted planning documents, biddable plans and specifications, and permits by May 13, 2013, and pre-construction projects that submitted a complete Request for Inclusion by that date, to the contingency or fundable portion of the priority list based on availability of funds. Projects shall be subject to a segment cap limit.
The Department may approve, modify, or deny the proposed actions at the meeting. Prior to Department action at the meeting, all interested persons will have the opportunity to speak regarding any proposed actions. After the meeting, the Department will file the Notice of Final Agency Action (Notice). A copy of the Notice will be sent to local governments sponsoring the projects at issue and to any person submitting a request either at the meeting or to the Department’s contact given below no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first business day after the meeting.