
Review of 2007 State University Research Commercialization Assistance Grants Program; 2007 Centers of Excellence Program and direction to the Florida Technology, Research, and Scholarship Board; Presentation by FIU 21st Century Scholar; Update on “Forward by Design”; Consideration of approval of Ph.D., Genetics and Genomics, UF; Consideration of BOG Regulation Rule 6C-8.001, F.A.C., University Calendars, for Final Approval; Status Report, Governor’s Task Force on Campus Safety and Security; Status Report, FAMU Task Force on Finance and Operational Control Issues; University Tuition; Updates, Legislative Budget Request and Substantive Legislation, 2007 Session; Consideration of Appointment of University Trustees, FAMU, FIU, UNF; Consideration: Resolution requesting the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration of Florida to issue Revenue Bonds on behalf of the University of Florida to Finance Construction of a Parking Garage on the Main Campus, UF; Resolution authorizing the Issuance by the University of North Florida Financing Corporation of Revenue Bonds to Finance Construction of a Student Union on the Main Campus, UNF: Resolution authorizing the Issuance by the University of Central Florida Health Facilities Corporation of Revenue Bonds to Finance Construction of the Burnett Biomedical Sciences Building on the Lake Nona Campus, UCF; Resolution authorizing the Issuance by the University of North Florida Financing Corporation of Revenue Bonds to Finance Construction of a Student Housing Facility on the Main Campus, UNF; action items brought forward from Board Committees; and other matters pertaining to the Board of Governors.