
To update and correct the District's rules to ensure that its rules are correct and comply with statutory requirements, in accordance with Section 120.74, F.S. Specifically, the amendments: 1) update references to repealed rules; 2) update titles of referenced rule chapters; 3) correct typographical erors; 4) update delegation pursuant to 373.079(4) and 373.083(5), F.S.; 5) clarify types of permits; 6) delete sections regarding basin expiration dates; 7) update rules to reflect compliance reports should be submitted every 10 years rather than 5, in accordance with s. 373.236(3), F.S.; 8) change definition of "Xeriscape" to "Florida Friendly Landscaping" pursuant to 373.185, F.S.; 9) update name of map; 10) move Figure 3-4 and relabel Figures 3-5 and 306; 11) update rules to incorporate forms in accordance with s. 120.55(1)(a)4. and 5., F.S.; 12) add e-Permitting option to be consistent with other rules; and 13) delete outdated contact information.