
At the workshop we will discuss the Department’s proposed changes to the Underground Storage Tank Systems rule, Chapter 62-761, F.A.C. (rule). The Department proposes modifying the rule for clarity, revising references and removing language that is no longer applicable. In the “Definition” section, the revisions remove definition terms that are in the statute or no longer used in rule and added certain terms for clarity. Revising title “Reference Standards” to “Reference Requirements,” and internet web addresses were added for those technical requirements providing digital access to industry. These technical requirements to be incorporated by reference have been updated to conform to revisions published and adopted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Equipment Institute, National Fire Protection Association, National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Work Group on Leak Detection. In the “Applicability” section, revisions remove terms and text that are redundant or not applicable to the regulation and clarify text that may conflict with other regulations found in 62-780, F.A.C. This section further clarifies rule language by defining “small quantities” of regulated substances under exemptions and expands the pipeline definition, reducing Department regulatory oversight of that industry sector. Additionally, this proposed revision adds exemptions for storage tank systems that contain a regulated substance at low concentration. In the “Registration” section, registration requirements are clarified and provide detail about valid registration placards. The Financial Responsibility subsection is proposed to be relocated into a stand-alone Rule 62-761.420, F.A.C. The “Notification” section creates a complete list for when the Department is noticed and eliminates the term “reporting.” “Incidents” and “Discharges” are separated for clarity and extend time for the tank owner to conduct an initial incident investigation, thereby expanding time for notification to the Department for unresolved incidents. Language is revised to define types of discharges and broadens discharge response to coordinate with language and tables in Chapter 62-780, F.A.C. The proposed revisions for “Release Detection” combines two subsections into one rule, thereby creating a comprehensive list for release detection requirements for clarity. It also clarifies the topic of integrity testing under operation and maintenance, including a schedule for containment and integrity testing. The proposed revision eliminates confusing or outdated language in the “Recordkeeping” section. The “Out of Service and Closure Requirements” is proposed to replace the closure assessment requirement with a closure integrity test of the tank system. “Alternative Requirements and Equipment Registration” is proposed to be revised from an approval process to a simpler registration process. This would reduce Department regulatory oversight of industry and cost while maintaining adequate safeguards.