The meeting agenda will consist of updates on critical education initiatives to include the transition to Common Core. Items for consideration include action relating to the following: Amendment to Rule 6A-1.039, Supplemental Educational Services in Title I Schools and Amendment to Rule 6A-1.099811, Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement. Other items for consideration include: Approval of the 2013 Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Good Cause Exemption Staff Recommendations to the State Board of Education; Approval of District Turnaround Option Plans; Approval of Funding Recommendations for the 2013-2014 College Reach-Out Program; Request for Approval of Florida College System Institutional Goals on Performance Metrics Specified in Legislation; Approval of Budget Guidelines for Development of 2014-2015 Legislative Budget Request; Baccalaureate Proposals: Approval of Request from Northwest Florida State College for a Bachelor of Applied Science in Management and Supervision, Approval of Request from Valencia College for a Bachelor of Science in Cardiopulmonary Sciences, and Approval of Request from Pasco-Hernando Community College for a Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing; and Charter School Appeal: Palm Beach Collegiate vs. School Board of Palm Beach County.