
The Joint Administrative Procedures Committee (JAPC) is required to review administrative rules and advise agencies concerned of its findings. This charge applies to existing as well as proposed rules. JAPC notified the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services that the law implemented for Rule 64E-2.032, F.A.C., appeared to contravene the law implemented, Section 401.27, F.S., in certain parts. This rule was repealed and replaced with the definition of “operate”. This definition did not satisfy JAPC’s objections. The purpose of this rule revision is to provide clarification for the EMS community regarding the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN) requirement for licensure and satisfy JAPC’s objections. In addition, to delete language to accommodate the distribution of grant information on the EMS website, U.S. Mail, and on the Bureau of EMS listserve. A majority of the affected EMS services have requested that grant notifications be provided either on the EMS website, U.S. mail, or the EMS listserve because they do not routinely review notices in the Florida Administrative Weekly. Notification of grant availability using the above mechanisms will reach more potential applicants than the means currently listed.