
The OFR proposes to substantially amend Rule 69U-100.005, F.A.C., to conform to and implement legislative amendments to Section 655.50, Florida Statutes (“F.S.”), the Florida Control of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Financial Institutions Act. In particular, the proposed amendment updates the rule’s title, the currency transaction reporting process and forms, and citations to federal regulations, and adds a new subsection regarding requirements and forms for reporting suspicious activity. The OFR also proposes to amend Rule 69U-100.03852, F.A.C., to conform to recent legislative changes to Sections 658.21 and 658.33, F.S., which governs the qualification requirements for officers and directors of banks and trust companies; Rule 69U-100.045, F.A.C., to incorporate the most recent Federal examination manuals, which have been updated since they were last incorporated; and Rule 69U-100.948, F.A.C., which governs Reporting of Significant Events or Conditions, to delete references to, and requirements of, Section 658.68, F.S., and Rule 69U-120.680, F.A.C., as this statute and rule no longer exist. In addition, the OFR proposes to make amendments to each rule for consistency and clarity.