
The proposed amendments will implement the changes made to section 440.381, F.S., by chapter 2022-138, L.O.F., requiring annual physical onsite audits when the workers compensation policy premium for employers with construction classes exceeds $10,000. The proposal also clarifies that the wording “voluntary market minimum audit requirements” to mean the “National Council on Compensation Insurance’s (NCCI) Basic Manual, Florida State Special Audit Rules,” which is the industry standard. The proposal adds references to where that manual may be found, and includes language required when referencing documents protected by federal copyright. All references to forms have been updated to include web addresses for quick access. Finally, the proposal removes wording requiring all employers and carriers to comply with the FWCJUA minimum audit requirements “as applicable” from (4)(a). These requirements are only applicable to the entities listed in (4)(c) and are more properly referenced there.