
In accordance with section 120.525 Florida Statutes, public meetings for Invitation to Negotiate 20-ITN-001-TH for DR Regulatory Support Services are hereby noticed. DEO is seeking replies for a highly-qualified contractor to provide full spectrum disaster recovery operations to implement the State’s Housing Repair and Replacement Program under the State’s Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Hurricane Michael Disaster Recovery Action Plan. The funds will be used to meet the remaining unmet housing needs that resulted from thousands of homes being damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Michael. The Department reserves the right to issue amendments, addenda, and changes to this timeline and specifically to the meeting notices listed above. Notice of any change will be posted within the Vendor Bid System (VBS) in accordance with Section 287.042(3), Florida Statutes, and will not be re-advertised in the Florida Administrative Register (F.A.R.). The VBS can be accessed at: