The meeting agenda will consist of approval of minutes of the State Board meeting held May 20, 2015. Updates will be provided by President Carol Probstfeld on behalf of the Council of Presidents and a representative on behalf of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents. Items for consideration include action relating to the following: Amendment to Rule 6A-4.0021, Florida Teacher Certification Examinations; Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0786, Forms for Charter School Applicants and Sponsors; Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0970, John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Program; Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0981, Provider Approval and Renewal for Virtual Instruction Program; Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0982, Florida Approved Online Course Providers; and New Rule 6A-14.0305, Out-of-State Fee Waiver for Veterans and Other Eligible Students. Other items include: Approval of Budget Guidelines for Development of 2016-17 Legislative Budget Request; Consideration of WXEL’s Request to Transfer Assets; Approval of Funding Recommendations for the 2015-2016 College Reach-Out Program; and Approval of the 2015–2016 Dual Enrollment Course—High School Subject Area Equivalency List.