
The proposed changes to Rule 69I-69.001, F.A.C., update the definitions. The proposed changes to Rule 69I-69.002, F.A.C., adopt the Statement of County Funded Court-Related Functions Form (Report) that each county is required to annually file with the Department; provides that the Report may be filed with the Department either electronically or by U.S. Mail; and requires that the Report be accompanied by a Statement of Compliance from the county's independent certified public accountant that the Report is in compliance with Sections 29.008 and 29.0085, F.S. The proposed changes to Rule 69I-69.003, F.A.C., update the additional auditing procedures that can be used by the CFO. Rule 69I-69.004, F.A.C., is repealed since the underlying statute was repealed in 2005.