
In 2008, the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission adopted Rule Chapter 42LLL-1, F.A.C., setting forth the establishment, boundaries, and initial board of supervisors of the Huntington Hammocks Community Development District (District). On February 24, 2010, the District’s Board of Supervisors filed a petition requesting the Commission dissolve the District through the repeal of Rule Chapter 42LLL-1, F.A.C. Section 190.046(9), F.S., allows for the dissolution of a community development district which has no outstanding financial obligations and no operating or maintenance responsibilities by the repeal of the rule that established the district. The District has received consent to dissolve from 100% of the landowners within the District; has not issued any bonds, notes or other debt instruments; and has not levied any special assessments against the lands located within the District for the purpose of funding ongoing operating costs or planned community development services.