
Chapter 34-12, F.A.C., is being amended to adopt by reference the forms used to register as an Executive Branch lobbyist (CE Form 20), to renew the annual registration as an Executive Branch lobbyist (CE Form 20-R), and for lobbying firms to file the quarterly compensation report (CE Form 24). The requirement on the instructions for the CE Form 20 that the original signature of the principal or the principal's representative is required, is being deleted to make registration similar to that of the Legislature’s lobbyist registration process. The amendments also update the reference to the North American Industry Classification System – United States, 2007, as the appropriate version of the 6-digit NAICS that principals should use to identify and designate their main business, and notes that Section 112.32155, Florida Statutes, requires lobbying firms to create and submit their quarterly compensation reports (CE Form 24) through the Lobbyist Registration Office’s Electronic Filing System.