
The petition proposes amendment of the District by removing approximately 21.59 acres (contraction parcel) from the District’s boundaries. The District currently consists of 3,151.7 acres of land located within the City of Tampa, Florida. The contraction parcel is 21.59 acres in total size located generally in the northern quadrant of the District located in Tampa, Florida. A map detailing the parcel may be accessed by contacting the person noted below. The contraction parcel is not currently subject to any District assessments and the District is not currently providing any facilities or services to the contraction parcel. There will be no changes in the facilities proposed to be provided by the District as a result of the removal of the contraction parcel. The existing boundary description displayed under Rule 42J-1.002, FAC, will be replaced with language that incorporates the petition and amended boundary description by reference as noted below.