
The Agency is hosting a public meeting regarding Nursing Home Prospective Payment Reimbursement Methodology for use in determining payment for nursing home services. During the 2016 Legislative Session, Legislation passed requiring the Agency to contract with an independent consultant to develop a plan to convert Medicaid payments for nursing home services from a cost based reimbursement methodology to a prospective payment system. The Agency has entered into a contract with Navigant Healthcare to support the completion of this initiative. Navigant will work with the Agency to develop a nursing home prospective payment system resulting in a final design document for submission to the Governor, President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than January 1, 2017. You can access information and details about the nursing home prospective payment reimbursement public meetings, including schedules for upcoming meetings, and meeting agendas materials and recordings, through our website: For those who are not able to attend the meeting in person, registration to participate in a live webinar will be available through the following link: