Changes in the rule include updating the reference dates of DEP-SOP-001/01 and DEP-SOP-002/01; clarifying the applicability of the rule to include all organizations that are a part of the sample collection/laboratory analysis process; identifying new and revised standard operating procedures for biological assessments in DEP-SOP-001/01 and DEP-SOP-002/01 (Qualitative Periphyton Sampling , Rapid Periphyton Survey, Lake Vegetation Index sampling and calculation, Stream Condition Index calculation and BioRecon index calculation); simplifying the accreditation requirements for laboratories needing certification in non-potable water for multiple methods of the same analytical technology; allowing use of drinking water methods for non-potable water analysis when no other methods exist; identifying additional tests for which certification is not required; adding more detail to the records to be maintained by laboratories; modifying the content requirements for laboratory reports; adding prohibitions against altering data that were originally generated by another party; adding performance criteria for electronic signatures; modifying Table 1 62-160.700, F.A.C., with clarifications and additions; and updating the documents incorporated by reference. The changes in the SOPs are intended to clarify the original intent of certain procedures, or to provide more detailed information. The new SOPs related to the various biological indices are necessary to ensure that these procedures for assessment, processing, and calculation are consistent among all parties performing them.