
To receive public comments on the proposed National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) Allocation Plan, which result in substantial amendments to the State of Florida 5-Year Consolidated Plan and 2016 Annual Action Plan. SUMMARY: The State of Florida has been allocated $4,598,821 in new federal National Housing Trust Fund program funding, and must submit an allocation plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to receive this funding. The Governor has named Florida Housing Finance Corporation as the state administrator of this new program. The Plan must specify how the funds will be distributed to eligible applicants; the range of activities to be funded, including the estimated amount that will benefit extremely low-income households, and the State’s plans to minimize displacement of persons and to assist any persons displaced as a result of this funding. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Florida Housing Finance Corporation announces the commencement of the 30-day period for public review of and comment on the proposed National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan and associated amendments to the State of Florida 5-Year Consolidated Plan and 2016 Annual Action Plan. The proposed plan and amendments are posted to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s website at the following link: