
Agenda 1. Call to Order. 2. Welcome and Introductions. 3. Approve March 19, 2013 Meeting Minutes. 4. Review Previous Meeting Action Items. a. AFCD will reach out to the current Duval SWCD supervisors and offer assistance with the reporting requirements b. Summarize the SWCD State reporting requirements in a single checklist and distribute to the members c. Updated information will be provided for all districts with compliance issues 5. Council Discuss and Make Recommendations Regarding Soil and Water Conservation District Dissolutions. (Polk, Pasco, Nature Coast) 6. Intent to Contract with the Association of Conservation Districts to Provide Statewide SWCD Assistance. 7. Council Questions and Discussion. 8. Public Comment. 9. Adjourn. Council Members: Bud Crisafulli, Wilbur Dean, Cindy Eade, Eric Hjort, Andy Jackson, Nancy McDonald, Jimmy Wohl