The proposed rule amendment would revise specific area regulations to expand small game hunting opportunities on Wildlife and Environmental Areas (WEAs) as follows:
Northwest Region
Apalachicola River WEA – allow northern bobwhite to be released and taken by shotgun during the small game season. A daily no-cost permit and proof that northern bobwhite were purchased from a licensed game farm would be required for each individual or group participating. Allow release of northern bobwhite only in the designated area east of the Apalachicola River.
L. Kirk Edwards WEA – expand small game season by 87 days on that portion of the area east of Chaires Cross Road; allow the take of rabbit, quail, furbearers, armadillo, and wild hog during the small game season on that portion of the area west of Chaires Cross Road; and, allow northern bobwhite to be released and taken by shotgun during the small game season. A daily no-cost permit and proof that northern bobwhite were purchased from a licensed game farm would be required for each individual or group participating.
North Central Region
Fort White WEA – expand small game season by 79 days.
Lafayette Forest WEA – expand small game season by 84 days.
Watermelon Pond WEA – allow northern bobwhite to be released and taken by shotgun during the small game season. A daily no-cost permit and proof that northern bobwhite were purchased from a licensed game farm would be required for each individual or group participating. Persons releasing northern bobwhite must enter and exit the area at the designated quail release entrance (parking area at the NE corner of the WEA, accessible by SW 250 Street).
Additionally, the proposed rule amendment would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.