
Project Description: Financial Management No. 239422-1, Forest City Road (SR 434) Median Modifications, Edgewater Drive (SR 424) to the Orange/Seminole County Line. This hearing is being held to afford interested persons an opportunity to express their views concerning the proposed median modifications as part of the future 6-laning of Forest City Road (SR 434). The project limits are from Edgewater Drive (SR 424) to the Orange/Seminole County Line. FDOT will begin the design effort, in the Fall of 2011, for constructing two additional travel lanes within the median area of Forest City Road. As part of this project, many of the existing median openings will be modified and/or closed. Full median openings remain at traffic signals and directional median openings occur throughout the project. This project is being developed in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact: Ms. Colleen Jarrell at the address below or call 1(800)889-8237, at least seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.