
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. doing business as Florida Blue has submitted an application for reorganization, pursuant to Part III of Chapter 628, Florida Statutes. This request would allow BCBS/Florida Blue to reorganize as a stock insurer under a mutual holding insurance company system. BCBS/Florida Blue is the largest domestic health insurer in the state of Florida with the following number of covered lives as of December 31, 2012. For more details about the proposed transaction, the Office of Insurance Regulation has created a webpage to provide the public with relevant information. The webpage is available via a link on the Office of Insurance Regulation’s homepage at Florida law allows the Office of Insurance Regulation to hold a public hearing to allow public comment on the plan of reorganization. Input from the insurer as well as interested parties will be received at this public hearing. If you are unable to attend this public hearing, please forward your comments to the Office of Insurance Regulation at; the subject line of your e-mail should read “BCBS.” After the hearing concludes, the record will remain open for 10 days to allow for additional comments.