
Remove and revise definitions and terminology for redundancy, accuracy, and clarity. Remove all references to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) since appraisals must be completed by State Certified Appraisers who must follow USPAP procedures and practices. Allow the Department to waive any portion of Supplemental Standards on land valued at $100,000 or less if best professional judgment demonstrates it would not be detrimental to credible assignment result. Add the requirement for an appraiser’s eligibility and selection to submit one appraisal report demonstrating such competence and expertise for one of the specialty property types, and also to demonstrate general appraisal competence by submission of an appraisal report that includes sales comparison, cost, and income approaches. Allow approved appraisers to request reaffirmation to remain on the approved appraisers list every two years rather than every year. Remove reward of additional points for professional appraisal designation by approved appraisal organization. Remove requirement for Standard 3 review from Rule, as this is an internal procedural matter not suited for rule. Allow for limited waiver of evidence of marketable title in accordance with statutes.