
The changes proposed herein update adopted ASTM International specifications for recycled and non-recycled antifreeze products; add quality specification provisions allowing for specialty applications, such as mini-bike racing, that do not permit the use of coolants with contents of 50 percent or more glycol and as a result, do not meet the freezing point minimum requirements for glycol-based coolants containing 50% or more glycol; define dilution procedures used during testing; adopt quality specifications for coolant products made from 1,3-Propanediol (a different engine coolant base material than in conventional glycol-based products); adopt quality specifications for coolant products made from Glycerin (a different engine coolant base material than in conventional glycol-based products); adopt quality specifications for coolant products containing low silicate levels designed for heavy duty applications; adopt quality specifications for coolant products designed for heavy duty applications; adopt quality specifications for coolant products made from 1,3-Propanediol (a different engine coolant base material than in conventional glycol-based products) designed for heavy duty applications; adopt quality specifications for coolant products made from Glycerin (a different engine coolant base material than in conventional glycol-based products) designed for light duty applications; define the term ‘motor vehicle’ to clarify this rule chapter does not only apply to engines with coolant systems operating on roads or highways; reference where readers may obtain and/or view a copy of the specifications adopted in this Rule; reference all forms used in the stoppage of sale of substandard antifreeze products and subsequent release of said products after proper remedy; further clarify procedures for the registration of antifreeze products intended for distribution in this state; reference forms used for the application for and granting of registration of said products; and establish a penalty structure consistent with others established within the department.