
The Division of Elections is aware of the rulemaking procedures prescribed by Section 120.54, Florida Statutes. That process requires advance notice to the general public of intended rules and the opportunity to submit comments on the intended rule, prior to the agency’s adoption of the rule. The time period for general rulemaking takes at least 60 days and will prevent the timely amendment and adoption of a rule needed to have procedures in place by July 1, 2008. This emergency rule is based on language developed during the ongoing regular rulemaking process for Rule 1S-5.026, F.A.C., entitled similarly and reflects input from the public. This emergency rule will provide the county canvassing board or local canvassing board with the specific procedures necessary to conduct voting system audits and the time to become sufficiently familiar with the procedures to conduct a voting system audit in any election held after July 1, 2008, including the Primary Election held on August 26, 2008.