
CFX Project Nos: Section 429-202 (1A) Section 429-203 (1B) Project Description: Sections 1A and 1B extend from where the SR 429 currently ends at the Connector Road near US 441, to a new interchange at Kelly Park Road. The Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) is set to open its first five miles of the Wekiva Parkway (SR 429) on July 27 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. The event entrance is via the SR 429 southbound on ramp at Kelly Park Road. Parking will be on the southbound mainline shoulders. The event location is at the Belgian Street Bridge (North of SR 429 / Connector Road). State and local elected officials and other dignitaries will be on hand to commemorate the event. Sections 1A and 1B, totaling $102.6 million in construction costs, extend from where the SR 429 currently ends at the Connector Road near US 441, to a new interchange at Kelly Park Road. Work began in summer of 2015. The 5-mile stretch includes interchanges near US 441 at Connector Road and Kelly Park Road, along with bridges at Southfork Drive, Yothers Road, Ponkan Road and other locations. The Wekiva Parkway is the first expressway in Central Florida to feature all electronic tolling for customer convenience and to keep traffic moving. A Section 1A toll gantry also features the eye-catching aesthetic features found throughout the project. CFX is building five parkway sections totaling 10 miles and more than $271 million in construction costs. The entire $1.6 billion Wekiva Parkway, which is being built in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation – District Five, will complete Central Florida’s beltway, while helping to protect the natural resources surrounding the Wekiva River.