The amendments to 65D-30.0033 clarifies that a methadone medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder for addiction provider cannot provide services with the probationary license until the required SAMHSA certification and DEA registration has been issued. The amendments to 65D-30.0036 include the following: (1) clarifies that the rule applies to all substance abuse treatment providers, (2) converts business days to calendar days, (3) updates the application to include recovery residence referral section to align with 2022 legislative session as effective July 1, 2022, (4) removes the requirement that the application for licensure must include a copy of the provider’s business tax receipt as this conflicts with F.S., (5) deletes requirements in the rule as they are outlined on the application, and (6) clarifies that methadone medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder addiction providers must submit verification or certification from SAMHSA and verification of registration from the DEA.