Executive Director, Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council, 1241 S.W. 10th Street, Ocala, FL 34471-0323.
Pursuant to 13 CFR Chapter III Sections 303.6 and 303.7 [75 FR 4259 published January 27, 2010], copies of the proposed annual CEDS plan update shall be available for public review and comment at least 30 days. By July 28, 2011, an electronic copy of proposed modifications to the region’s EDA-accepted CEDS may be downloaded from WRPC’s website through the link labeled: “Proposed 2010 CEDS Update” on the main page. Also upon request, a hard copy of the CEDS is available from: Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council Offices, 1241 S.W. 10th Street, Ocala, FL.
For more information or to submit comments, please contact: David Connolly, Senior Planner, by email at: or by phone at (352)732-1315, ext. 223.