The purpose of this public workshop is to hear comments on the disaggregation of Rules 6A-6.0902 and 6A-6.0903, F.A.C., into five separate rules for finer clarity regarding the requirements for identification and placement of an English language learner (ELL), exit criteria of an ELL, the provisions of the annual English language proficiency assessment, requirements of extension of services, and post reclassification of an ELL. It is proposed that the time period for completing an initial assessment of English language proficiency in Reading and Writing be shortened. The requirement for former English language learners to be assessed on the annual English language proficiency assessment is clarified. The timing and requirements for extension of ESOL services beyond three years are clarified. Parental rights with respect to removal of a student from a language arts instructional program are clarified and the Standards for Student Exit from the ESOL Program are modified.