Florida offers multiple pathways to earn an educator certificate. The Bureau of Educator Certification issues 3-year Temporary and 5-year Professional and Restricted Professional Certificates to educators who meet the criteria, including earning a bachelor’s degree, per section 1012.56, Florida Statutes. Currently, a pathway for military personnel is not in place. The current military provisions allow for active duty servicemembers, veterans and their spouses to apply for a military certification fee waiver. The Bureau of Educator Certification also issues Professional Certificates to educators who meet the criteria for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) pathway. One of the criteria is to teach an approved STEM course with a state or national standardized test. The rule amendments will allow for the implementation of the new certification pathway for military veterans, remove the active duty requirement for reservists to become eligible for a military certification fee waiver, and update the STEM course list according to the current Course Code Directory.