
To present the Department’s recommendations and receive public comment on the intended use of available funds in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program during Fiscal Year (FY) 2011. These funds include the Federal Clean Water Act appropriations, State matching funds, proceeds from the sale of bonds, interest income, loan repayments, and fees. Funds may be used to finance wastewater, stormwater or non-point source preconstruction and/or construction projects through direct loans, and to cover the administrative costs of the program, under State Revolving Fund Rule, Chapter 62-503, Florida Administrative Code. Service fees may also be used for other water quality activities. Projects currently listed on the contingency portion of the FY 2010 Water Pollution Control SRF Priority List will be elevated to fundable status on the FY 2011 priority list, subject to the $10 million segment cap. New projects which have met program requirements will be added to the bottom of the fundable list after the projects being elevated from contingency. Some projects will receive special funding priority as a result of certain provisions of the FY 2010 Clean Water Act Appropriations.