
Update adopted ASTM International quality specifications for motor fuels and adopted Federal requirements for product labeling; eliminate individualized volatility specifications for gasoline/ethanol blends as they are now incorporated into ASTM International specifications, which are adopted in rule; allow provisions for base fuels to not meet selected specifications before blending, but require them to meet those specifications after blending with ethanol; update rule sections to reflect current versions of referenced Department forms; change adopted reference of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 from a direct reference to another rule reference to ensure consistency with regard to adopted versions; add transfer document requirements so purchasers in the distribution chain have adequate knowledge of the type and composition of the fuel they are purchasing; amend penalty section to more appropriately apply penalties to violations of this rule and update references in the penalty section; adopt specifications for compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) when used as motor fuels; update sections of rule to account for the recent Division and Bureau level mergers; adopt motor oil labeling requirements and quality specifications; add a sunset date for certain volatility offsets (to ASTM International specifications) for gasoline-ethanol blends; adopt diesel fuel nozzle size requirements for retail dispensers; adopt EPA labeling requirements for E15 fuel dispensers; adopt blending specifications for gasoline-ethanol blends containing between 10 and 15 percent ethanol; adopt labeling requirements for mid-level ethanol blends; and adopt a specific ASTM International test method to determine the corrosiveness of silver by spark-ignition engine fuels.