To implement the amendments to Section 100.371, Florida Statutes, in Chapter 2008-95, Laws of Florida. The statutory amendments deleted the requirement that verified signatures on petition revocation forms be recorded in the statewide voter registration system; therefore, the revised rule removes this requirement. The statutory amendments also mandated the adoption of petition revocation forms, to include a standard form when no corresponding initiative petition has been submitted and approved. The revised rule adopts such form. The rule clarifies that the sponsoring political committee also must include its address in the political disclaimer portion of the revocation form and that no additional information other than that required by the rule may be printed on the petition revocation form. The rule also deletes the provision that prevents bundling of the revocation petitions as being unnecessary, because Section 100.371, F.S., requires that the manner in which signatures on petition revocation forms are obtained be subject to the same requirements as the corresponding petition form. The statute now expressly provides that petition forms cannot be bundled while being circulated for signature.