By the end of 2020, the State of Florida is tasked to achieve a MSW recycling goal of 75%. In order to meet the 2020 recycling goal, Florida must find ways to improve and expand the recycling of the construction and demolition waste stream which makes up 30% of the Florida MSW waste stream.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), with assistance from the Southern Waste Exchange, Inc. (SWIX), is holding this meeting to focus on getting an understanding of the current status and developing actionable items, policies and programs from stakeholders.
Participants, in an open and moderated discussion format, will discuss and make specific recommendations to the FDEP about what the current impediments are to increasing C&D debris recycling in Florida and what actions the state can take to overcome these obstacles.
The meeting goal is to use the information obtained to develop a strategic plan focusing in increasing C&D debris recycling to present to the legislature.