
The purpose of the proposed rule change is to better manage fish and wildlife resources and public hunting on miscellaneous areas. The effects of the proposed rule changes are to limit firearms to shotguns utilizing number 2 or smaller diameter shot for taking wild turkey during spring turkey seasons on all miscellaneous areas managed by FWC; to prohibit the use crossbows during archery season on all miscellaneous areas managed by FWC; and to delegate the authority to manage hunting and fishing opportunities to the Preserve Manager on Babcock Ranch Preserve, consistent with the Babcock Ranch Preserve Act, the Management Agreement and legislative intent to further the purposes of the Preserve. This amendment will allow the Preserve Manager the opportunity to accrue revenue by instituting hunting and fishing opportunities envisioned by the Recreation Master Plan within the constraints of the approved Management Plan and statewide regulatory hunting framework. These opportunities would be subject to oversight of Commission staff and the Florida Division of Forestry. This proposed rule amendment does not apply to that portion of the Preserve owned by Lee County. Interim public hunting opportunities currently offered by the Commission will continue until the Preserve Manager is able to assume this role.