
1. Opening Remarks, Introductions (SGM Ray Quinn, FVHOF Chair) 2. Remarks (Danny Burgess, FDVA Executive Director, via phone) 3. Review of meeting minutes from August 1, 2018 (SGM Ray Quinn, FVHOF Chair) a. Council Discussion b. Public Comment c. Vote on meeting minutes 4. General Discussion of Nominees (Led by FVHOF Chair) a. Council Discussion b. Public Comment (solicited from audience for those wishing to speak on behalf of their nominee; in-person first, then phone) Admin break for scoring - Council members share raw scores with FVHOF Program manager and supporting staff to collect and add totals and rank order the top 20 nominees. 5. Ranking of Nominees (Led by Jessica Hunter, Hall of Fame Liaison) Reads the top 20 highest scoring packets. 6. Selection of up to 20 top nominees (Led by FVHOF Chair) a. Council Discussion b. Public Comment c. Vote on panel of nominees (conditional based upon final scoring and double-checking of tallies) 7. Next Steps (Jessica Hunter, Hall of Fame Liaison) a. Independent audit of scoring and ranking of nominees b. Confirmation of final top selection of nominees c. FVHOF Council Chair submits recommendation memo d. FDVA presents recommendation to Governor and Cabinet for approval on the September 10, 2019 Cabinet meeting 8. Adjournment (SGM Ray Quinn, FVHOF Chair)