
The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to broaden the window of aldicarb application on citrus to alleviate time constraints on aldicarb applicators; add a requirement to be effective July 1, 2007 for intended application sites to be identified to the ¼ of ¼ section and drinking wells to be identified to the ¼ of ¼ section and with Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates; clarify rule requirements regarding the 1,000-foot setback; specify requirements to be effective July 1, 2007 for cased well documentation for exemption from the 1,000-foot setback; abolish the 10-day waiting period for aldicarb application to start once a permit is approved to allow more flexibility for applicators; establish justification in rule for permit denials; correct website addresses that have changed; and update forms to match changes in the rule.