The proposed rules establish administrative rules for the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers relating to the regulation of licensed professionals. The purpose of the proposed rules includes, in part, new rules similar to the previous Departmental Rules covering the Board, when the Board was located within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Due to a Type Two transfer to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Board must adopt certain rules to maintain continuity in Board operations. If adopted, the proposed language in Rule 5J-17.016, F.A.C., will clarify the language of the existing rule regarding disciplinary fines and probation. If adopted, the proposed language in Rule 5J-17.029 and Rule 5J-17.030, F.A.C., will set procedural rules and deadlines for the submission of applications. If adopted, the proposed rules in Rules 5J-17.0321 through 5J-17.0381, F.A.C., as referenced above, will address the administration of exams. If adopted, the proposed language in Rule 5J-17.039, F.A.C., will further define licensure status and the biennial renewal of a license. If adopted, the proposed language in Rules 5J-17.041 through 5J-17.047, F.A.C., as referenced above, will change existing rules regarding continuing education, including instructor credit, course length, course submission, and the requirement that instructors be approved by the Board. If adopted, the proposed language in Rules 5J-17.80 through 5J-17.085, F.A.C., as referenced above, would change existing rules regarding citations, mediation, and probation, establish procedures for the issuing of citations, establish citation fine amounts for unlicensed persons, establish procedures for the mediation of discipline cases, repeal certain offenses from eligibility for mediation, and clarify when probationers must submit surveys for review by the Board. If adopted, the proposed language in Rules 5J-17.102, F.A.C., will define certain terms regarding the financial integrity of the Board, creates procedures for the Department to follow when reporting to the Board that the Board no longer has a reasonable cash balance on hand, establishes procedures for the Board to follow if requesting a loan from the Department, and prohibiting loans that extend beyond two years by the Department to the Board. If adopted, the proposed language in Rules 5J-17.200 through 5J-17.210, F.A.C., as referenced above, will establish licensure and examination procedures for certain foreign exiled professionals. If adopted, the proposed language in Rule 5J-17.400, F.A.C., will require certain licensees to pay a one-time fee to help maintain the financial integrity of the Board.