
Water Quality Credit Trading is a voluntary program that provides entities the option of meeting their required pollutant load reductions under BMAPs or RAPs in a more effective, cost efficient manner by purchasing credits from other sources that have reduced their load by more than required under the BMAP or RAP. Credits are only generated when a water quality credit seller’s load is reduced below the baseline allocation established for the entity. Sellers of water quality credits are responsible for achieving the load reductions on which the credits are based and complying with the terms of their permit, if applicable, and any trading agreements into which they may have entered. Buyers of water quality credits are responsible for complying with all terms of their permit, and in the event that credits purchased are determined to be invalid, the invalidation of credits shall be addressed pursuant to paragraph 403.067(8)(g), F.S. The Department conducted an initial set of public workshops on August 20 and August 27, 2014, in Tallahassee and Palm Bay, respectively, followed by public workshops on January 14 and January 15, 2015, in Orlando and Tallahassee, respectively.