
Rules 24-4.0185, 25-4.022, and 25.4.023, F.A.C., pertain to record and reporting requirements for local exchange telecommunication companies (LECs); Rules 25-4.0345, 25-4.036, 25-4.038, 25-4.040, and 25-4.041 pertain to management requirements for LECs; Rules 25-4.066, 25-4.070, 25-4.071, 25-4.072, 25-4.073, 25-4.074, 25-4.078, 25-4.079, 25-4.081, 25-4.084, and 25-4.085 pertain to service provisions for LECs; 25-4.088, 25-4.089, 25-4.090, 25-4.091, 25-4.092, 25-4.093, 25-4.094, 25-4.095, 25-4.096, and 25-4.097 pertain to telephone underground extension requirements for LECs; Rules 25-4.107, 25-4.109, 25-4.110, 25-4.111, 25-4.114, 25-4.115, and 25-4.117 pertain to customer relations requirements for LECs; and Rules 25-4.202 and 25-4.210 pertain to LEC service evaluations and investigations. Chapter 2011-36, Laws of Florida, effective July 1, 2011, amended the Commission’s authority over telecommunications companies. These rules are being repealed because there is no longer statutory authority to implement the rules.