The purposes and effects of this rulemaking are to: (1) streamline permit modifications by expanding the types of modifications to consumptive use permits (CUPs) that can be requested by letter (rather by filling out and submitting a complete CUP application form); (2) clarify the procedures and criteria for all CUP modifications, including letter modifications, and renewals; (3) revise and update the permit limiting conditions, and allow a permit limiting condition to be waived or modified when the condition is inapplicable to the activity authorized by the CUP; (4) repeal outdated general permit conditions (by type of use) and outdated special conditions; (5) reduce the number of water use types from 23 down to seven, define the water use types, and make changes to parts of the CUP Handbook incorporated by reference in Rule 40C-2.900, F.A.C., and the CUP application form and other forms incorporated by reference in Rule 40C-2.900, F.A.C., to conform to the new water use type categories; (6) revise and update the CUP application form and update rule references to this form; (7) adopt Water Use Record (EN-50) and Water Use Reporting Verification (EN-51) forms incorporated by reference in Rule 40C-2.900, F.A.C.; (8) adopt Annual Statement of Continuing Use form incorporated by reference in Rule 40C-2.900, F.A.C., as part of rulemaking to streamline and reduce water use reporting requirements for small water users (described below); (9) define “domestic use,” consistent with the statutory definition in Section 373.019(6), F.S.; (10) streamline, clarify, and update the District’s rule on compliance reports for 20-year CUPs, to conform the rule to a recent statutory amendment in Section 373.236(4), F.S., that compliance reports cannot be required more than once every ten years; (11) clarify the requirements for supplemental irrigation models and expand the types of supplemental irrigations models allowed; (12) clarify rules that apply to permit transfers; (13) clarify monitoring requirements regarding water withdrawal quantities for CUPs initially issued prior to July 23, 1991 and clarify such monitoring for CUPs initially issued on or after July 23, 1991; (14) reduce water use reporting requirements for small users (with permitted CUP allocations not exceeding 100,000 gallons per day on an annual average), who will be allowed to annually submit an “Annual Statement of Continuing Use” rather than semi-annually submitting EN-50 forms; and (15) clarify that individual and standard general CUP applicants must submit a water conservation plan in their permit application.