
The Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. is holding a public hearing to secure testimony concerning information required for its 2020-2022 Area Plan. The hearing will begin at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at the Agency’s offices at 4400 North Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407. It will end at Noon on that same date. The public is encouraged to attend and to testify concerning services that the Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. provides to older persons and their caregivers residing in Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties as well as to comment on the planned strategies and action steps for the 2020-2022 Plan cycle. For the 2020-2022 plan cycle, the Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. proposes to directly provide Powerful Tools for Caregivers under Older Americans Act Title IIIE in Indian River, Palm Beach, Okeechobee and St. Lucie Counties. The Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. also proposes to directly provide Chronic Disease Self Management Program, Diabetes Self-Management Program, A Matter of Balance, Un Asunto de Equilibrio, and Tai Chi/Tai Ji Quan Moving for Better Balance through Older Americans Act Title IIID in Indian River, Martin, Palm Beach, Okeechobee and St. Lucie Counties. Persons that wish to offer comment at the hearing are asked to limit their presentations to three minutes and to restrict their remarks to issues related to services provided by the Area Agency on Aging and the draft Area Plan. Those persons wishing to speak at the public hearing should contact Nancy Yarnall at (561) 684-5885. It is also requested that you submit a written copy of your testimony to Nancy Yarnall, Director of Consumer Care and Planning, Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc., 4400 North Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407 or by e-mailing Applicable portions of the draft 2020-2022 Area Plan can be viewed on the Agency website at To obtain a hard-copy please contact Nancy Yarnall.