
Legislation enacted in 2008 amended Section 373.109, F.S., requiring certain minimum fees, the adjustment of application fees and the periodic adjustment of those fees authorized under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S. Full implementation of the new provisions required the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to delegate its authority under the new provisions to the water management districts. The Department’s amended rules delegating its authority under 373.109, F.S., and revising its fees became effective April 21, 2009. The proposed revisions to the fees were developed using the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), all items, compiled by the United States Department of Labor based on the date each of the fees were originally established or last amended. The proposed rule includes these fees, as well as the new $250.00 minimum fee for Noticed General Permits and the new $100.00 minimum fee for verification that an activity is exempt from permitting. The proposed rule language also establishes the inflation index used for the revisions.