
This rule development will delete the requirement in subsection 68-1.003(7), F.A.C., Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program, to submit an FWC Derelict or Abandoned Vessel Removal form and allow local law enforcement entities to submit their agency form. Also, the Florida Boating Improvement Program referenced in subsection 68-1.003(9), F.A.C., are making changes to the Program Guidelines (January 2008) to include the requirement that applicants obtain permits prior to applying for a construction grant or they can request funding for the design, engineering, and permitting phases of project. An additional change is also being made to these Program Guidelines to add federal funding requirements to allow the Commission to use funds received from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the Sport Fish Restoration Act. Additionally, the Florida State Wildlife Grant Program referenced in subsection 68-1.003(11), F.A.C., will be updating their Program Guidelines (dated September 2008).