
Given the ongoing declared emergency in the State of Florida; Emergency Order 20-91; the guidance from the CDC; that chiropractic licensees are required to attend in-person continuing education courses and/or live meeting attendance to fulfill initial licensure or renewal requirements, the Board finds that an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare necessitates immediate action regarding this issue. In addition, at the same meeting where this Emergency Rule was proposed, the Board determined to initiate rulemaking to amend the Board’s underlying rules in Chapter 64B2, Florida Administrative Code, to allow online and virtual live through the current renewal biennium, March 31, 2022; after this date, the existing requirements will resume unless altered by subsequent Board action. Notice of this meeting was published in the Florida Administrative Register in Volume 46, No.140 on July 20, 2020. In addition, notice of the meeting was posted on the Board’s official website.