The Santa Fe TMDL addresses nutrients and dissolved oxygen impairments in the Santa Fe River (below river rise). This waterbody was verified as impaired by nitrate-N and dissolved oxygen (DO) using the methodology established in Chapter 62-303, F.A.C., Identification of Impaired Surface Waters. For DO, the nutrient TMDL target, set as a monthly average for nitrate-N, will reduce any pollutant impacts associated with DO. A concentration target was used to develop the nutrient TMDL. The New River TMDLs address fecal coliform and DO impairments in the New River. This waterbody was also verified as impaired by fecal coliforms and dissolved oxygen using the methodology established in Chapter 62-303, F.A.C. For the DO TMDLs, water quality targets were identified for total nitrogen and/or total phosphorus using a bioregion reference nutrient approach. The Kansas approach was used to develop the fecal coliform TMDL.