The Commission will consider a federal consistency action to establish a recreational bag limit and season for blueline tilefish in Atlantic state waters that is consistent with recreational regulations in Atlantic federal waters. Currently, recreational harvest of blueline tilefish in Atlantic state waters is limited to the default recreational bag limit of two fish or 100 pounds, whichever is greater, and harvest is allowed year-round. In Atlantic federal waters, the blueline tilefish recreational bag limit is three fish per person within the three-fish aggregate bag limit for grouper and tilefish, and the season is open May 1 through August 31. The Atlantic federal fishery is also managed with a quota. Blueline tilefish primarily occur in federal waters, but can be harvested from state waters off southeast Florida. Establishing a recreational bag limit and season for blueline tilefish in state waters could help keep Atlantic blueline tilefish recreational harvest below the federal quota and avoid overfishing. Additionally, consistent regulations for blueline tilefish in state and federal waters could reduce regulatory confusion and promote compliance with regulations.