The purpose and effect of the rule development is to amend the environmental resource permit (ERP) rules in Chapter 40C-44, F.A.C., and the Applicant’s Handbook: Regulation of Stormwater Management Systems to: (1) indicate that the regulatory delegations to District staff regarding ERPs are located in the Statement of Agency Organization and Operation which is found on the District’s website; (2) remove certain references to the Governing Board in favor of the term “District” for clarity and accuracy and, in some cases, also because permit delegations are no longer subject to rulemaking due to the 2010 enactment of amendments to Sections 373.083(5) and 373.118(5), F.S. and because District staff, not the Board, approve ERP applications as a result of the 2009 and 2010 amendments to Section 373.079(4), F.S.; (3) clarify and reorganize the rules describing: procedures for processing standard general and individual ERPs; notices provided in the permitting process; requests for administrative hearing; and procedures at regulatory meetings; and (4) change the location of posting of notices of receipt of application to the District’s website.