
Financial Management Numbers: 436958-1-52-01 / 439910-1-52-01 Project Descriptions: Project 436958-1-52-01 is to improve the interchange at SR-9/Interstate 95 at Sample Road and to add dual northbound and southbound left turn lanes along NE 3rd Avenue at Sample Road. The project will modify the interchange ramps by combining the two northbound entrance ramps into a single entrance ramp, physically separated from the general purpose lanes on I-95. The two southbound entrance ramps will also be combined. Additional improvements include increasing the eastbound left turn lane storage length along Sample Road at NE 3rd Avenue. Project 439910-1-52-01 is to implement safety improvements along Sample Road from Military Trail to the I-95 Interchange. New vehicular traffic signal heads and pedestrian countdown signals will be installed at all intersections between the SR-9/I-95 Interchange west to Military Trail. Also, the project includes additional roadway lighting on the north side of Sample Road, pedestrian crossing improvements and installation of additional drainage inlets. The Public Information Workshop is scheduled from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and will have an open house format. Project representatives will be available to answer questions and provide assistance at any time during the workshop.